1 Beyond Wranglerâ„¢ Pro on the beach with Pirates of the Carribean IV

Wrangler on the beach

On the beach with Jeroen Hendriks; "I couldn't have done my job without it", using 1 Beyond's Wrangler Pro running Assimilate Scratch.

Recently, a 1 Beyond Wrangler Pro was used on the set of "Pirates of the Carribean IV", being filmed in 3D. Jeroen Hendriks was the "camera data supervisor" assisting the camera crew using RED cameras, checking that all the RED files were OK and building 3D clips to make sure all were good. The Wrangler inculded dual RED rocket cards with Assimilate Scratch to enable real-time viewing of stereo R3D at full resolution.

"The biggest challenges were in the beginning when we talked about the small locations where we were shooting," Jeroen comments. "Shooting 3D is a big enterprise, lots of equipment, lots of people. So we had to scale down and make the whole crew and equipment fit in a ship, cave, or take it all with you for an hour hike! The other challenge was the locations as we would be shooting in the jungle of Hawaii, the beach of Puerto Rico and rain in London."

Jeroen Hendriks with the Wrangler

Jeroen continues, "My onset workstation...was too big, and my equipment too fragile, so I use the 

1 Beyond 3D Wrangler that they put together for me. It helped me a lot as it's portable and rugged. I could have not done my job without it!"


"The Wrangler Auto Off-Load and Verify software was also a great time saver. My future productions will definitely require it."


-Jeroen Hendriks

 Disney Studios

